1. Physical Education
- As part of our PE programme, children are provided with at least 60 minutes of physical activity per week. This takes place through PE lessons (timetabled), classroom breaks and outdoor movement breaks.
- Each teacher strives to teach the five PE strands throughout the year, these include - games, athletics, outdoor and adventure activities, dance and aquatics.
- e are lucky enough that 2nd - 6th class attended Fermoy pool for a six week swimming block during the second term.
- In the lead up the St Patrick's day each class learnt several Irish dances, there was a fantastic céilí held in the halla and it was great to see children from Juniors to 6th partaking in many different dances.
- For the month of May each class teacher is focusing on the strand of Outdoor and Adventure activities. We have been using lessons from the PSSI website and also the Active pathway to complete some of these fun outdoor activities.
- Junior Infants recently completed the Land PAWs programme and had great fun playing the interactive games and learning all about water safety. Second class are also going to cover these lessons during the month of June as part of the theme of 'Water'.
- We are lucky to have an excellent Active School committee who are excellent helpers and playground leaders. They did a super job at tidying up the PE shed and making sure it was all labelled very clearly.